
Christian Blogs, Christian Store

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

In A Funk!

    I have been in a funk lately, feeling like all of my life is in limbo. It is like
my life is not my own. People are pulling me in one direction, I'm
pulling in another direction, and I feel like God is telling me to wait, my answer
is on the way.
    Waiting is always the hardest for me. There is an old saying in the trucking
industry, Hurry up and wait! We rush to get our product delivered on time, and
even though our company knows when we are supposed to deliver, we wait,
sometimes days, for our next pick-up. Then hurry up and wait, starts all over
    I can envision the Apostles or the 120 people gathered together in that upper
room waiting for The Comforter to come. They had seen Jesus ascend into
heaven, but Jesus last words were, wait for the power, wait for The HolySpirit.
    Can you imagine, with all they had seen and witnessed since the crucifixion,
to just sit and wait.
    How many times has God told you and I to wait?
    How many times have we not waited on God, and regretted it?
    The hardest thing to do, as a Christian is wait. We know the answer is on
the way. We know that God's timing is perfect, not to late and definitely not
to soon.
    Do we continue to ask God to answer our prayer, or do we thank Him for
answering our prayer, even though we don't know the answer?
    I think of Elijah teasing the Prophets of Baal, because their God was not
answering their prayer.
    Aren't we supposed to be different?
    Elijah prayed with power and conviction, Elijah knew the answer was on
the way, and acted accordingly. God answered in a mighty way. We know
God's answer is on the way.
    Today, we have The Holy Spirit, it is not like God is far away. God, The Spirit
dwells inside of you and I. When God's timing is perfect, we will know!
    The hardest part, "WAIT"


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