
Christian Blogs, Christian Store

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Being Different

    Being different, standing out in a crowd, persecuted, made fun of, these
are all part of an active Christians life. Our difference is what draws others
to the God that inhabits everything we do.
    If you aren't having any of the problems described in the previous
paragraph, maybe it's time to look into the mirror of your life, and find
out why. Jesus, the man that started this movement, had all of these
problems with society and more, even the punishment of death for being
    As a performer, I know what it feels like to stand on a stage, all alone.
I know the fear and anxiety of making a mistake. Putting yourself out
there, in public, opens all of us up to, all the public can throw at us, both
good and bad, but for those that are hurting and searching, it makes us a
light house.
    We are each a, God Light House, to the world. All we have to do is
stand out, just a little bit, and let God shine through us. Those caught
in the storms of life will be drawn to God's light. Those that are
drowning in the sea of despair, will see, how close they are to help.
    If you are not having a lot of problems, in a world that Satan reigns
over, maybe you need to look at your Christian walk.
    Jesus, did not promise us an easy life. Jesus did promise us, peace,
in the worst of circumstances. For reassurance of this, look at Steven's
stoning in Acts. Look at Paul and Silas singing hymns in prison. Look
back on your own experiences, and see where that peace beyond
understanding has happened in your life.
    Jesus never promised a life without storms, but He promised us peace,
in the midst of life's storms. Jesus was asleep in a boat, while a tempest was
raging, all around Him. Jesus could do that because He knew who was in
    He can do the same for you and I, in the midst of our storms, listen for His
voice. Because the storms of our life, know His voice, He doesn't yell, He
doesn't have to. In a small quiet voice, Jesus says, "Peace be still."

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